Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Easiest Cold Calling you have ever done

One of our new manufacturing reps copied a couple of pages from the Diamondroseshears.com website and went out calling on some beauty salons as part of his due diligence. His goal was to pick up a couple of dull scissors to bring to class. He was overwhelmed by the positive response of the stylists in his area. They were all anxious to have their scissors sharpened back to factory new cutting condition on the patented Diamond Rose Shears Superior Sharpening System.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Tears of Joy

We recently had a new distributor bring in a pair of shears for sharpening. When he took them back to the stylist, she was so overwhelmed with the results, she actually cried.Of course we don't want to make people cry, but I guess there is nothing wrong with tears of joy.

Maybe you should take a look at this exciting way of making an above average income.